Review Scoring - Ask for justification for score(s) given
When users are giving scores about various camp-sites, they are asked to score in the relevant areas: Overall, Location, Value for money, Quality of Accommodation, Facilities/Activities, Customer Service, Child Friendliness, Cleanliness and WiFi.
When campers are giving these scores, they should be asked to give the reasons behind their score. This would help site owners to constantly improve their facilities and services they offer. For example, if an individual has had a good stay on which ever site they have stayed on, they could leave good scores (i.e. 9 or 10) for all areas. This does not, however, allow the owners, or even possible future customers to know WHY they have scored this. (If some reviews are all positive with no reasoning people often think it may have been fixed.)
On the other hand, if someone has had a bad experience with one or more of the areas of review, their scores could be biased to reflect this. If there were justifications that had to be given for any scores given, honest scores would have to be given as they would then have to clarify why they had given it this score out of 10.
This clarification would also allow people interested in booking at any sites to read into what the positive and negatives are before deciding where to book.
It is far to easy for people to complete the review in under a minute, without any regard as to the possible ramifications of their actions for the business in question. The use of this clarification system would give site owners a better understanding into what they may be doing right or wrong, and continue to improve the service being offered.